I am trying to understand why regression splines are continuous at their knots
Suppose I am fitting a regression spline
$$ E[Y|X] = \alpha + \beta_1 x + \beta_2 (x - t)^+ $$
where $(x - t)^+ = \max (x-t,0)$.
Now, if I take the partial derivative of $y$ wrt $x$, I find
$$ \frac{\partial y}{\partial x} = \begin{cases} \beta_1 \quad \text{if} \quad x \leq t,\\ \beta_1 + \beta_2 \quad \text{if} \quad x > t \end{cases} $$
For starters, is this correct?
If it is, I don't see how this shows the derivative at $t$ is continuous - it looks like there is a discrete change rather than smooth change