I've read in the library manual for test ks.test
The possible values "two.sided", "less" and "greater" of alternative specify the null hypothesis that the true distribution function of x is equal to, not less than or not greater than the hypothesized distribution function (one-sample case) or the distribution function of y (two-sample case), respectively. This is a comparison of cumulative distribution functions, and the test statistic is the maximum difference in value, with the statistic in the "greater" alternative being D^+ = max[F_x(u) - F_y(u)]. Thus in the two-sample case alternative = "greater" includes distributions for which x is stochastically smaller than y (the CDF of x lies above and hence to the left of that for y), in contrast to t.test or wilcox.test.
Unfortunately I failed to understand this difference between (I guess one sided) wilcox.test
and ks.test
. It seems, that both test for displacement of one distribution versus another. Does anyone can shed some light on it, please?