So after some more research, it appears to me that what they (e.g. the SAM paper) refer to as "topic proportion" is actually alluding the normalized posterior Dirichlet parameters $\gamma^\ast(\mathbf w_d)$ for the topic distribution $\theta_d$ in document $\mathbf w_d$. That the normalized $\gamma^\ast(\mathbf w_d)$ is the expected topic proportion is due to the formula of the mean of Dirichlet distribution -- given $\boldsymbol x \sim \text{Dirichlet}(\boldsymbol x \mid \boldsymbol\alpha)$, $\mathbb E[x_k] = \alpha_k / \sum_{k'} \alpha_{k'}$. Indeed, the authors must be referring to a parameterization of the raw topic proportion since it is a random variable!
In scikit-learn
(after version 0.18), you may obtain the topic proportion by:
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
X = ... # your data
topic_proportion = LatentDirichletAllocation().fit_transform(X)
One caveat about the snippet, though, is that I haven't confirmed the theory against scikit-learn
source code.
You may find the answer in the original LDA paper by Blei et al. (2003). In section 7.2, the authors proposed to use the posterior Dirichlet parameters $\gamma^\ast(\mathbf w)$, i.e. the variational parameters of the topic proportion of the document $\mathbf w$, as the reduced-dimensionality features.
However, as suggested by @yassem, and also in some other topic model papers, e.g. Reisinger et al. (2010), the SAM paper, adopting directly the topic proportion is also a valid choice.
The difference between the two options is:
If using the topic proportion directly as the feature, the feature vectors will live in a probability simplex $\mathbb S^{K-1}$; otherwise, the feature vectors will reside in the open cone $\mathbb R_+^K$ without other explicit constraints. $K$ is the number of topics.
Hope it helps.
Citations in this answer:
author = {Blei, David M and Ng, Andrew Y and Jordan, Michael I},
journal = {Journal of machine Learning research},
number = {Jan},
pages = {993--1022},
title = {Latent dirichlet allocation},
volume = {3},
year = {2003}}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph and Waters, Austin and Silverthorn, Bryan and Mooney, Raymond J},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th international conference on machine learning (ICML-10)},
organization = {Citeseer},
pages = {903--910},
title = {Spherical topic models},
year = {2010}}