There are many examples of how to set up a DD model for two points in time and with dummy variables (0s and 1s) separating the treated from control units and before and after intervention periods. However, I wonder if there is a way to set up a DD model where instead of using dummies we use continuous variables?
For example, I would like to evaluate the impact of a price policy. I do have treated and control units observed over time (from 2008 to 2016). Would it be possible to replace the standard dummy variable for treated/control by a continuous (price) variable with values = zero before intervention and values = actual price after intervention? Similarly, would be possible to somehow use actual year information (i.e., 1,2,3, etc.) instead of a time-dummy for before/after intervention?
Does it make sense to think of a DD model for this problem or should I address this issue with a standard time-series model with a dummy variable for the treated/control units?