The R help manual cites the Fisher letter to the Australian Journal of Statistics.
If the observations in a $2 \times 2$ table are distinctly out of proportion (and indeed in other cases also) we may wish to set limits to the true product ratio, e.g. the observed table
$$ \begin{array}{cc} 10 & 3 \\ 2 & 15 \end{array}$$
gives a crude ratio of 25. How small could the true ratio be in reasonable consistency with the data? If the expectation in the four classes were
$$ \begin{array}{cc} 10-x & 3+x \\ 2+x & 15-x \end{array}$$
the true ratio would be $(10-x)(15-x)/(3+x)(2+x)$m and $\chi^2$ for the observations would be:
$$\chi^2 = x^2 \left( \frac{1}{10-x} + \frac{1}{3+x} + \frac{1}{2+x} + \frac{1}{15-x} \right)$$
so if $x$ were 3.0, $$\chi^2 = 3^2 (0.59286) = 5.3357$$ with one degree of freedom.
The exact probability of such a small sample of 30 giving 10 or more in the first quadrant is the partial sum of a hypergeometric series, and not easy to calculate for if $\xi$ stand for the theoretical product ratio, the frequencies of 0 to 12 in the quadrant will be proportional to the terms:
$$ 1, \frac{13 \times 12}{1\times 6}\xi, \frac{13\times 12 \times 12 \times 11}{1 \times 2 \times 6 \times 7}\xi^2, \ldots, \frac{13!12!5!}{(13-r)!(12-r)!(5+r)!}\xi^i,\ldots$$
It would not be too difficult, as in the exact test for disproportionality, to calcuate the last three terms for any chosen value of $\xi$, but for the ratio of these to the whole we would require the sum of the entire series or $$F(-13, -12, 6, \xi)$$ which would be best obtained by calculating all the terms and summing them, a process too lengthy to be recommended.
Using Yates' adjustment, however, we can at once find: $$\chi^2_c = (2.5)^2 0.59286 = 3.7054$$.
Further taking $x=3.1$ we have
$$ \chi^2_c = (2.6)^2(0.58717) = 3.9693$$
Interpolating for the tabular entry 3.841 it appears that $x=3.0501$ and the cross product ratio is 2.718.
So that it may be inferred from the data that the true cross-product ratio exceeds 2.718 unless a coincidence of one in forty has occurred, Similar limits can be set in both directions and at all limits of probability.