I've read a lot about the difference between RNN and traditional NNs (MPLs) but I have still doubts. Below I would like to ask a specific question.
Assume that we have a sequence data: $s_1, s_2, s_3, ..., s_n.$ My aim is to make a prediction for $s_i$ given $k$ previous data points. Assume that $k=2$ for this example. I create the following data set:
$$ s_1, s_2, s_3 \\ s_2, s_3, s_4 \\ s_3, s_4, s_5 \\ ... \\ s_{n-2}, s_{n-1}, s_n \\ $$
The third column is $y$, that is, the target to predict. Now, I can use this dataset to train a MLP or a RNN (LSTM or similar). After they are trained, given two consecutive data points I can use either models (MLP or RNN) to predict the next data point.
My question is, what is the advantage of using a RNN instead of a MLP for this problem? If possible I would be glad if somebody gives a simple example sequence to illustrate the advantage of using RNN over MLP. Thanks.