Recall that LASSO functions as an elimination process. In other words, it keeps the "best" feature space using CV. One possible remedy is to select the final feature space and feed it back into an lm
command. This way, you would be able to compute the statistical significance of the final selected X variables. For instance, see the following code:
ds <- na.omit(Hitters)
X <- as.matrix(ds[,1:10])
lM_LASSO <- cv.glmnet(X,y = log(ds$Salary),
intercept=TRUE, alpha=1, nfolds=nrow(ds),
parallel = T)
opt_lam <- lM_LASSO$lambda.min
lM_LASSO <- glmnet(X,y = log(ds$Salary),
intercept=TRUE, alpha=1, lambda = opt_lam)
W <- as.matrix(coef(lM_LASSO))
(Intercept) 4.5630727825
AtBat -0.0021567122
Hits 0.0115095746
HmRun 0.0055676901
Runs 0.0003147141
RBI 0.0001307846
Walks 0.0069978218
Years 0.0485039070
CHits 0.0003636287
keep_X <- rownames(W)[W!=0]
keep_X <- keep_X[!keep_X == "(Intercept)"]
X <- X[,keep_X]
lm(formula = log(ds$Salary) ~ X)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.23409 -0.45747 0.06435 0.40762 3.02005
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4.5801734 0.1559086 29.377 < 2e-16 ***
XAtBat -0.0025470 0.0010447 -2.438 0.01546 *
XHits 0.0126216 0.0039645 3.184 0.00164 **
XHmRun 0.0057538 0.0103619 0.555 0.57919
XRuns 0.0003510 0.0048428 0.072 0.94228
XRBI 0.0002455 0.0045771 0.054 0.95727
XWalks 0.0072372 0.0026936 2.687 0.00769 **
XYears 0.0487293 0.0206030 2.365 0.01877 *
XCHits 0.0003622 0.0001564 2.316 0.02138 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.6251 on 254 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5209, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5058
F-statistic: 34.52 on 8 and 254 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Note that the coefficients are little different from the ones derived from the glmnet
model. Finally, you can use the stargazer
package to output into a well-formatted table. In this case, we have
stargazer::stargazer(lm(log(ds$Salary)~X),type = "text")
Dependent variable:
XAtBat -0.003**
XHits 0.013***
XHmRun 0.006
XRuns 0.0004
XRBI 0.0002
XWalks 0.007***
XYears 0.049**
XCHits 0.0004**
Constant 4.580***
Observations 263
R2 0.521
Adjusted R2 0.506
Residual Std. Error 0.625 (df = 254)
F Statistic 34.521*** (df = 8; 254)
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
Using a bootstrap approach, I compare the above standard errors with the bootstrapped one as a robustness check:
W_boot <- function(ds, indices) {
ds_boot <- ds[indices,]
X <- as.matrix(ds_boot[,1:10])
y <- log(ds$Salary)
lM_LASSO <- glmnet(X,y = log(ds$Salary),
intercept=TRUE, alpha=1, lambda = opt_lam)
W <- as.matrix(coef(lM_LASSO))
results <- boot(data=ds, statistic=W_boot,
se1 <- summary(lm(log(ds$Salary)~X))$coef[,2]
se2 <- apply(results$t,2,sd)
se2 <- se2[W!=0]
There seems to be a small bias for the intercept. Otherwise, the ad-hoc approach seems to be justified. In any case, you may wanna check this thread for further discussion on this.