I am looking at a BEKK Multivariate GARCH model.
In a standard GARCH model, we generally expect,
$$h_t=\omega+\alpha u_{t-1}^2 +\beta\sigma_{t-1}^2$$
The alpha ($\alpha$) coefficient to be considerably smaller than the beta ($\beta$), see for example Verbeeks 'Guide to modern econometrics chapter on GARCH', with around 0.1 alpha and 0.8 beta.
I am now moving into a multivariate setting, to a BEKK(1),
i.e. an MV-ARCH(1),
Would anyone know suitable parameters for the $A_{ij}$ matrix, with a reference? And also the BEKK(1,1) with the GARCH term,
$$H_t=C^\ast{C^\ast}^\prime+A_{11}\varepsilon_{t-1}\varepsilon_{t-1}^\prime A_{11}^\prime+B_{11}H_{t-1}B_{11}^\prime$$
I need suitable parameter values (as in what we would expect) for A and B. I understand this will change considerably between datasets etc. But in general any values we might expect?