I am trying to understand the semi supervised learning in random walk. Lets say I have 10 classes and I have some labelled and unlabelled points. Now, I need to find the labels for the unlabelled points using semi supervised learning in random walk.
I can define the transition matrix P for the nodes/elements such that every entry $P_{ij}$ gives the probability of moving from node i to j. Now its given that I can propagate the labels. If P is transition matrix, I can have P resetted to
P = $$P_{ll} P_{lu}$$ $$P_{ul} P_{uu}$$
and if Y represents a matrix of probability distributions over the label set, then I can use the following iterative algorithm to get the labels for the unlabelled points. Let say $Y_l$ be the set of labelled points given and $Y_u$ be the set of unlabelled points for which we have to find the labels. Lets says there are ten labelled points given for the 10 labels and I have to find the labels for the remaining 100 points lets say, then there is this iterative algorithm
$Y^{0} \leftarrow Y$
$t \leftarrow 1$
$Y^{t} \leftarrow PY^{t-1}$
$Y_{l}^{t} \leftarrow Y_{l}$
until convergence to $Y^\inf$
$\tilde{Y} \leftarrow Y^{inf}$
I didn't get how to initialize this Y vector at the beginning. Lets say I have 110 points given. I have label 1.2.3...10 for the ten points, then how am I going to initialize this Y matrix and in the end when I get $\tilde{Y}$ how will I know which class it belongs to. I mean I will just have some values. How am I going to know which class the unlabelled points from $\tilde{Y}$ belong to. If it had been binary I would have known, because if the value was greater than 0.5, I would have said it belongs to class 1 otherwise 0. But what in the case when I have ten labels.