I have now been studying mixed models for about a month, I am still a pure beginner. I have zero inflated semi continuous dependent variable (yield of trees between two periods). Exploring StackExchange community, there are some questions related to modelling of zero inflated semi continuous data (Zero-inflated two-part models for semi-continuous data; How to model non-negative zero-inflated continuous data?).
But I would like to apply a mixed model to my data and as I can see, this could be done with mixed_model
function from the GLMMadaptive
R package. There is an example on this link [Two-Part Mixed Effects Model for Semi-Continuous Data].
Ok, let’s go back to my data. I have around 20.000 observations with 8 % of zeros. Brief description of variables:
- yield [zero inflated semi continuous variable]
- stock [numerical, tree volume in forest]
- slope [numerical, slop in forest]
- precipitation [numerical, amount of precipitation in growing season]
- n_trees [numerical, number of trees in forest]
- soil_depth [numerical, soil depth]
- rocks [factor, there are five categories, each has different % of rocks covering forest ground]
- position [factor, position of a tree in a forest, five categories]
- groups [factor with two levels describing trees, conifers and broadleaves]
- groups_detailed [factor with 8 levels, similar tree species are in the same group]
My question is related to selection of the best model. If I follow the rule of lowest AIC, I should select the following model:
lowest_AIC <- mixed_model(yield ~ stock,
random = ~ 1 | groups,
data = trees,
family = hurdle.lognormal(), n_phis = 1,
zi_fixed = ~ stock
> AIC(lowest_AIC)
[1] 2784.14
> mean(residuals(lowest_AIC)^2)
[1] 0.1474714
> summary(lowest_AIC)
mixed_model(fixed = yield ~ stock, random = ~1 | groups, data = trees,
family = hurdle.lognormal(), zi_fixed = ~stock, n_phis = 1)
Data Descriptives:
Number of Observations: 20583
Number of Groups: 2
family: hurdle log-normal
link: identity
Fit statistics:
log.Lik AIC BIC
-1386.07 2784.14 2776.299
Random effects covariance matrix:
(Intercept) 1.396311
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std.Err z-value p-value
(Intercept) 0.0004 0.0061 0.0731 0.94177
stock -0.0907 0.0062 -14.7410 < 1e-04
Zero-part coefficients:
Estimate Std.Err z-value p-value
(Intercept) -2.4295 0.0257 -94.3862 < 1e-04
stock 0.1934 0.0238 8.1089 < 1e-04
log(residual std. dev.):
Estimate Std.Err
-0.1746 0.0051
method: adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule
quadrature points: 11
method: EM
converged: TRUE
All variables are significant, but qqplot looks bad:
Ok, if I experiment further and add some more variables, I end up with the following model:
best <- mixed_model(yield ~ stock + slope + precipitation + n_trees + soil_depth + rocks + position,
random = ~ 1 | groups,
data = trees,
family = hurdle.lognormal(), n_phis = 1,
zi_fixed = ~ stock + slope + precipitation + rocks + position,
zi_random = ~ 1 | groups
> AIC(best)
[1] 2839.902
> mean(residuals(best)^2)
[1] 0.1890385
> summary(best)
mixed_model(fixed = yield ~ stock + slope + precipitation + n_trees +
soil_depth + rocks + position, random = ~1 | groups, data = trees,
family = hurdle.lognormal(), zi_fixed = ~stock + slope +
precipitation + rocks + position, zi_random = ~1 | groups,
n_phis = 1)
Data Descriptives:
Number of Observations: 20528
Number of Groups: 2
family: hurdle log-normal
link: identity
Fit statistics:
log.Lik AIC BIC
-1387.951 2839.902 2798.083
Random effects covariance matrix:
StdDev Corr
(Intercept) 1.4117
zi_(Intercept) 0.1331 0.0477
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std.Err z-value p-value
(Intercept) 0.4576 0.0176 25.9341 < 1e-04
stock -0.0644 0.0059 -10.8639 < 1e-04
slope -0.0593 0.0059 -10.1307 < 1e-04
precipitation -0.0858 0.0061 -14.1035 < 1e-04
n_trees -0.0630 0.0060 -10.5368 < 1e-04
soil_depth 0.0590 0.0061 9.7462 < 1e-04
rocks2 -0.0847 0.0155 -5.4514 < 1e-04
rocks3 -0.0942 0.0178 -5.2897 < 1e-04
rocks4 -0.1437 0.0184 -7.8039 < 1e-04
rocks5 -0.1933 0.0258 -7.5044 < 1e-04
rocks6 -0.4962 0.0574 -8.6376 < 1e-04
position-0.561514296868636 -0.2333 0.0180 -12.9644 < 1e-04
position0.381120787744946 -0.4953 0.0193 -25.6413 < 1e-04
position1.32375587235853 -0.8913 0.0234 -38.0653 < 1e-04
position2.26639095697211 -1.0993 0.0276 -39.8970 < 1e-04
Zero-part coefficients:
Estimate Std.Err z-value p-value
(Intercept) -3.5587 0.1180 -30.1541 < 1e-04
stock 0.1724 0.0255 6.7729 < 1e-04
slope 0.2517 0.0272 9.2508 < 1e-04
precipitation -0.1457 0.0296 -4.9197 < 1e-04
rocks2 0.3587 0.0719 4.9900 < 1e-04
rocks3 0.3497 0.0823 4.2506 < 1e-04
rocks4 0.3951 0.0845 4.6742 < 1e-04
rocks5 0.5387 0.1110 4.8507 < 1e-04
rocks6 0.5434 0.2539 2.1404 0.032319
position-0.561514296868636 0.3085 0.1215 2.5384 0.011136
position0.381120787744946 0.8707 0.1219 7.1406 < 1e-04
position1.32375587235853 1.5953 0.1251 12.7515 < 1e-04
position2.26639095697211 2.0707 0.1270 16.3061 < 1e-04
log(residual std. dev.):
Estimate Std.Err
-0.2856 0.0052
method: adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule
quadrature points: 11
method: hybrid EM and quasi-Newton
converged: TRUE
AIC and error is higher, which indicates worse model, but all variables included in this model are significant and qqplot is much better:
How does AIC relate to significant variables? Should I include those if they are significant even though they increase AIC (and improve qqplot)? I am using Two-Part Mixed Effects Model for Semi-Continuous Data, but zero part does not predict any zero! Here is the plot of predicted yield using best model:
What to do? I know some of you might recommend data transformation log(yield + 0.01)
, but so far this has not turn out to be a good solution.