Below is a material about the prior disribution for the proportions.
The appropriate prior distribution for the parameter $\theta$ of a Bernoulli or binomial distribution is one of the oldest problems in statistics. ... We denote $\phi=logit(\theta)$.
an (improper) uniform prior on $\phi$ is formally equivalent to the (improper) Beta(0,0) distribution on the $\theta$ scale, i.e., $p(\theta)\propto \theta^{-1}(1-\theta)^{-1}$:the code below illustrates the effect of the bounding the range for $\phi$ and hence making these distributions proper.
The code in WinBUGS is:
phi ~ dunif(-5, 5)
logit(theta) <- phi
The empirical distributions (based on 100,000 samples) corresponding to the priors is shown in . I am not sure what "the effect of the bounding the range" is reflected?