Short answer:
- In the described theoretical setting, you are right to expect $\beta_3 = \beta_1+\beta_2$ in the linear setting. The time- and individual- FE does not change it.
- In the linear setting, $\beta_3$ can differ from $\beta_1+\beta_2$ for instance due to data limitations. (please look at the bottom of the posted answer)
- In a Poisson setting, there is no reason that the first two coefficients would sum to the third one. This is also not due to the time- and individual- FE.
Longer answer:
1 & 3/**Note that on this dataset (without any missig value) I get that $\beta_3$ is **exactly the sum of $\beta1+\beta_2$ when using linear fixed-effects equations, but are far from being equal when using fixed-effect Poisson equations.
- Fixed-effects are a distraction here. Consider here they are just dummy variables. I rewrite the linear equations:
$$(Reg1): Y_1 = X\beta_1 + \epsilon_1 $$
$$(Reg2): Y_2 = X\beta_2 + \epsilon_2 $$
$$(Reg3): Y_3 = X\beta_3 + \epsilon_3 $$
There are explicit solutions/estimates for the various $\beta$:
$$\beta_1 = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y_1 $$
$$\beta_2 = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y_2 $$
$$\beta_3 = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y_3 $$
One indeed gets: $\beta_3 = \beta_1+\beta_2$ when using $Y_3=Y_1+Y_2$
No assumption is needed regarding independence between $\epsilon_1$ and $\epsilon_2$.
Save random numerical approximations when computing inverse of the matrix (X'X), the equality should perfectly hold in the linear case (just try it).
What about the Poisson case ?
Here, your model writes (I index your explanatory variables with letters): $$E(Y_i|X) = e^{X\beta_i}=e^{x_a\beta_{i,a}+...+x_p\beta_{i,p}} $$
How to interpret the $\beta$ coefficients ? A increase by $dx_a$ will turn:
$E(Y_1|X)$ into $e^{dx_a \times \beta_{1,a}} E(Y_1|X)$
- $E(Y_2|X)$ into $e^{dx_a \times \beta_{2,a}} E(Y_2|X)$
- $E(Y_3|X)$ into $e^{dx_a \times \beta_{3,a}} E(Y_3|X)$
In order to have $Y_3=Y_1+Y_2$, you expect:
$$(1): e^{dx_a \times \beta_{3,a}} (E(Y_1|X)+E(Y_2|X)) = e^{dx_a \times \beta_{1,a}} E(Y_1|X) +e^{dx_a \times \beta_{2,a}} E(Y_2|X)$$
I do not know a more general relationship between $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ but this clearly shows that in general you do not have: $\beta_{3,a} = \beta_{1,a}+\beta_{2,a}$ .
(To do so, consider the trivial case where $\beta_{1,a}=\beta_{2,a}$. In this case, equation (1) becomes:
$$(1_{trivial}): e^{dx_a \times \beta_{3,a}} (E(Y_1|X)+E(Y_2|X)) = e^{dx_a \times \beta_{1,a}} (E(Y_1|X)+E(Y_2|X))$$
Save $E(Y_1|X)+E(Y_2|X)=0$, this implies: $\beta_3 = \beta_1 =\beta_2 $. Hence, when it is different from zero, it is different from $ \beta_1+\beta_2$ )
2/ But there are probably some missing values in your dataset. More precisely, perhaps some observations are missing for some individual $i$ (or time $t$) for $Y_{1,i,t}$, while some other observations are missing for some individual $j$ (or time $u$) for $Y_{1,j,u}. Hence, your are:
Estimating $\beta_1$ on the individuals for which $Y_1$ is not lacking.
Estimating $\beta_2$ on the individuals for which $Y_2$ is not lacking.
Estimating $\beta_3$ on the individuals for which $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ are not lacking.
This implies you are comparing estimates fom three different datasets. In this case, it is possible that you do not have $\beta_3 = \beta_1+\beta_2$, even in the linear setting.