I read here that "structural time series models handle missing values naturally, following the rules of conditional probability. Posterior inference can be used to impute missing values, with uncertainties."
So I'm trying to figure out how one would do this in a state space model. Let's say we have observations y_t
and latent states z_t
with some observation and transition equations so that the graphical model looks like this:
y1 y2 y3
^ ^ ^
| | |
z1 --> z2 --> z3
Let's say y2
is missing but y1
and y3
are known. How would we write the conditional distribution of y2
given all the other observations?
I tried using Bayes Theorem (and Z
as the vector) to get
p(y2|y1, y3, Z) = p(y1, y3, Z|y2) * p(y2)
disregarding normalization. We can assume some relevant prior for the data, so p(y2)
isn't a problem, but I don't know how that likelihood would be evaluated.