I am applying in Frisch-Waugh Theorem to partial out a set of fixed effects D
and get the OLS estimates and standard errors of the remaining regressors X
The theorem is more general, but one leading application is to re-center the outcome and the right-hand side variables about group means ("de-meaning"), hence absorbing the group fixed-effects without having to estimate them (see for instance the discussion here).
Below a MWE in Stata/Mata to clarify what I do. If you have a solution with another software, it is well accepted, I am mainly interested in the theory behind it.
Here, y
is price, D
is turn, and X
corresponds to the remining right-hand side variables (including other fixed effects, trunk
) and the constant.
For reference I report also a benchmark when using -areg-
clear all
sysuse auto, clear
// Benchmark
areg price gear length i.trunk, absorb(turn)
// Absorb "manually" in MATA
xi i.turn i.trunk
gen uno = 1
// import
y = st_data(., "price")
X = st_data(., ("gear", "length", "_Itrunk_*", "uno"))
D = st_data(., "_Iturn*")
// demeaned X and y
M_D = I(rows(y)) - D * qrinv(cross(D,D)) * D' // "residual maker" M_D = I - D(D'D)^(-1)D'
y_dem = M_D * y
X_dem = M_D * X
// OLS using de-meaned variables and corresponding standard errors
b1 = qrsolve(X_dem, y_dem)
res2 = cross(y_dem - X_dem*b1, y_dem - X_dem*b1)
MSE = res2/(rows(X_dem) - (cols(X_dem)+cols(D)-1))
XX_dem = qrinv(cross(X_dem, X_dem))
SE = sqrt(diagonal(XX_dem) * MSE)
// Compute constant as c = y_bar - X_bar*b1
e = rows(b1) - 1
c = mean(y) - (mean(X[., 1..e]) * b1[1..e])'
All the coefficients (including the separately computed constant) correspond to the ones reported by -areg-
. Also the standard errors are correct, except for the one relative to the constant, which I am not sure how to get.
Any help is highly appreciated.