Is it reasonable to transform regression problem into classification by binning target variable into classes and construct regression curve separately on each class?\
Precisely, if my goal is to solve regression problem are the following steps reasonable:
- If my target variable is $Y$, Create $m$ classes $Y_1 =\{Y:Y<y_1\}, Y_2=\{Y:y_1\leq Y<y_2\},\dots,Y_m=\{Y:Y\geq y_m\}$.
- Construct classifier $p_j(x)=Pr(Y \in Y_j|X=x)$.
- Construct regression curves for each class separately $E[Y|Y_j,X=x]=f_j(x)$.
- Estimate final regression curve by $E[Y|X=x]=\sum_{i=1}^m p_j(x)f_j(x).$
Theoretically, if our goal is to construct regression curve $E[Y|X=x]$ than from identity $$ E[Y|X=x]= \sum_{i=1}^m Pr(Y \in Y_j|X=x) E[Y|Y_j,X=x]=\sum_{i=1}^m p_j(x)f_j(x)$$ it looks like steps described above are just a waste of time. But it’s possible that the estimation of $ p_j(x)f_j(x)$ could be done more effectively. Any literature or comment would be helpful.