I want to derive a Bayesian learning procedure where I don't only learn from my own signal, but also from other signals which are correlated to mine.
I thought it could simply work with Bayesian inference about the mean of a multivariate normal distribution (with known covariance matrix $\Sigma$), but I'm quite puzzled by the result. As you may know, if one start from a prior $\mu_0, \Sigma_0$, the posterior will be given by (cf this thread):
$\mu_n = \Sigma_0 \Big( \Sigma_0 + 1/n \Sigma \Big)^{-1} \Big( 1/n \sum^n_{i=1} \textbf{x}_i \Big) + 1/n \Sigma \Big( \Sigma_0 + 1/n \Sigma \Big)^{-1} \mu_0$
$\Sigma_n = \Sigma_0 \Big( \Sigma_0 + 1/n \Sigma \Big)^{-1} 1/n \Sigma$
Now, what puzzles me is that, if I start from a prior $\Sigma_0 = \Sigma$, I end up in a situation where I only learn about the mean of the first variable using observations of the first variable!
Indeed: in this case,
$\Sigma_0 + 1/n \Sigma = (n+1)/n \Sigma$, hence $\Sigma_0 \Big( \Sigma_0 + 1/n \Sigma \Big)^{-1} = n/(n+1) Id$.
I don't get why one does not use the additional information contained in correlated signals.
It's pretty much the same if one start from uninformed prior $\Sigma_0 (\rightarrow \infty)$ since after one iteration, $\Sigma_n \rightarrow \Sigma$.
So I don't really get the intuition behind it. Imagine $x$ is just bivariate $= (x_1, x_2)'$. Since I know that $x_2$ is correlated to $x_1$, why can't I use the observation of $x_2$ to learn about the mean of $x_1$? I'll just learn "less perfectly" than by observing my own signal.
By the way in the extreme case where I assume that $\Sigma_0$ is a matrix full of $1$ (or any constant) (i.e. correlation $=1$), then I end up learning as well from each variables (as if I only had one variable). But this get destroyed as soon as the covariance $\neq$ variance in the prior.
There's probably something I'm missing here, but I don't know what. I think maybe because the covariance is `net of the mean', and hence it does not help or something like that.
By the way, since Bayesian inference about a multivariate normal does not seem to be the correct way to go, do you know of another example where one learns about the mean of a variable $x_1$ by observing another variable $x_2$ that is only correlated to the first one?