I have one DV: performance on research knowledge test (pretest and postest, so repeated measures--interval level measurement). I have two IV: 1) Online textbook or traditional textbook and 2) Onsite campus versus remote campus. Both IV were only measured once, at the beginning of the study.
I think I should be running a repeated-measures ANOVA but I usually only see those where the same group of people was exposed to both interventions, which is not the case here. Is this okay for me to run? Are there other analyses I should be exploring instead? Thank you in advance for any help.
Our main research question is whether Online textbook was as good as or better than regular textbook in terms of the change in scores over time--which one produced more change over time in students' knowledge (interval level).
Alternatively, we could look at it using a regression framework where the posttest is the DV and the pretest is a control variable and we include the two IV as dummy variables. I know how to do this, but I'm wondering if it isn't better to do a repeated measures ANOVA as it accounts better for the linkage between the pretest and the posttest.