Let the distribution of $X_1,X_2,...X_n$ depend on two parameters $a, b$ such that there exists a single sufficient statistic, for either parameter when the other is fixed/known.
Show that there is necessarily a pair of jointly sufficient statistics when both parameters are unknown.
I tried by employing the factorization theorem in each when when one is known and the other is unknown, Say the parameters are $a,b$ then, by Factorisation theorem, $$\begin{array}{} f(x,a)=g_1(t_1,a)h(x) \\ f(x,b)=g_2(t_2,b)h'(x) \end{array}$$ Now, $$f(x,a)f(x,b)=f^2(x;a,b)=g_1(t_1,a)h(x)g_2(t_2,b)h'(x)$$
But, after that I can't think of anything to proceed with