Many available methods rely on the decomposition of the $R^2$ to assign ranks or relative importance to each predictor in a multiple linear regression model. A certain approach in this family is better known under the term "Dominance analysis" (see Azen et al. 2003). Azen et al. (2003) also discuss other measures of importance such as importance based on regression coefficients, based on correlations of importance based on a combination of coefficients and correlations. A general good overview of techniques based on variance decomposition can be found in the paper of Grömping (2012). These techniques are implemented in the R packages relaimpo
, domir
and yhat
. Similar procedures are available for other software.
In his book Frank Harrell uses the partial $\chi^{2}$ minus its degrees of freedom as importance metric and the bootstrap to create confidence intervals around the ranks (see Harrell (2015) on page 117 ff).
Azen R, Budescu DV (2003): The Dominance Analysis Approach for Comparing Predictors in Multiple Regression. Psychological Methods 8:2, 129-148. (link to PDF)
Grömping U (2012): Estimators of relative importance in linear regression based on variance decomposition. Am Stat 61:2, 139-147. (link to PDF)
Harrell FE (2015): Regression modeling strategies. 2nd ed. Springer.