Speaking informally, if centered, normalized maximum of $n \to \infty$ i.i.d. random variables sampled from your distribution is in the domain of attraction of Gumbel Type I EVD, corresponding residual life time $p(\frac{ \xi - u }{ a(u) } > x)$ for $u \to \infty$ converges to Generalized Pareto $(1 + \gamma x)^{-1/\gamma} \xrightarrow{\gamma \to 0} (1 - e^{-x})$.
E.g. if you have a sample of wagons aged $u=20$ (with their survival function being exponential), the chance that they serve $x=3$ more years is still exponential. Here $a(u)$ is a normalising function, called auxiliary function. All auxiliary functions are asymptotically equivalent as $u \to \infty$ by Khinchin's theorem. For instance, one can use $a(u) = \frac{1}{r(u)}$, the inverse of hazard rate $r(u) = \frac{F'(u)}{1 - F(u)}$ as auxiliary function.
If your distribution is in the domain of attraction of Inverse Weibull Type III EVD or Frechet Type II EVD, corresponding residual life time converges to "specialized" Generalized Pareto $(1 + x)^{-1/\gamma}$, also known as Lomax or Type II Pareto distribution.
E.g. if you have a sample of horses, aged 20, the chance that they survive $x=3$ more years is specialized Generalized Pareto-distributed. "Specialized", because it is not $(1 + \gamma x)^{-\frac{1}{\gamma}}$, it is just $(1 + x)^{-1/\gamma}$.
The difference is that survival function of horses has long fat tails (decaying as a polynomial hyperbola $1/x^\alpha$) and has a finite upper end point (all horses are dead by 40, chance of surviving past some point is exactly 0), maximum of horses survival function is in the domain of attraction of Inverse Weibull distribution (e.g. empirical estimators for humans always produce negative $\gamma$). In case of Frechet distribution the end point is infinite, while the tails are still fat (positive $\gamma$). At the same time the survival function of wagons has a light sub-exponential tail; survival functions in the domain of attraction of Gumbel distribution might have or have not an upper end point.
Centered, normalized maximum of most distributions converges to one of 3 types of EVD, those are the only max-stable distributions, i.e. such distributions that maximum of $n$ i.i.d. random variables, sampled from them, converges to themselves, this is Fisher-Tippett-Gnedenko theorem. The specific set of distributions is determined by application of necessary and sufficient conditions of convergence to EVD.
Some notable exceptions are geometric and Poisson distribution, they do not converge to any max-stable distribution due to discontinuity of their pdf at integer points (there is a criterion that requires that $\frac{S(x)}{S(x-)} \xrightarrow{x \to \infty} 1$ for a distribution to be in a domain of attraction of max-stable distribution), which is clearly not satisfied for these two, as survival function at integer point $S(x)$ is different from survival function at its left proximity $S(x-)$.