In the simple case of mixture of gaussians(with known variance), we have 2 latent variables $\mu$ and $z$. In the vaiational auto-encoder, we assume that the model is infinite mixture of gaussians. If we assume that the variance is known then we have 2 latent variables $\mu$ and $z$. the encoder the responsible for calculating the variational distribution of $z$ (its mean and variance). and the decoder is responsible for calculating the variational distribution of the $\mu$ (it's mean and variance)
So the variance $\sigma$ that the generative network is outputting Is NOT the variance of $x$
My questions is
Is my viewpoint correct?
I read many articles on the internet that say $P(x|z, w) = \mathcal{N}(\mu(z, w),\sigma(z, w))$ where $\mu(.)$ and $\sigma(.)$ are the generative network with parameters $w$. Isn't that wrong?
PS: I know that training and results are the same in both cases