We can pose PCA as a variance maximization problem. These are some of the hints:
The objective is to find the directions in which the variance, $\Bbb E(\vec X \vec X^T)$, is maximum.
Let $\vec w$ denote the unit vector direction along which the variance is maximum. The variance along this direction is given by:
\begin{aligned} \sigma_{\vec{\omega}^{2}}^{2} &=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i}(\overrightarrow{x_{i}} \cdot \vec{w})^{2} \\ &=\frac{1}{n}(\mathbf{x} \mathbf{w})^{T}(\mathbf{x} \mathbf{w}) \\ &=\frac{1}{n} \mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{x}^{T} \mathbf{x} \mathbf{w} \\ &=\mathbf{w}^{T} \frac{\mathbf{x}^{T} \mathbf{x}}{n} \mathbf{w} \\ &=\mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{v} \mathbf{w} \end{aligned}
We can take gradients wrt to $\vec w$ and set it zero to find the optimum values.
\begin{aligned} \mathscr{L}(\mathbf{w}, \lambda) & \equiv \sigma_{\mathrm{w}}^{2}-\lambda\left(\mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{w}-1\right) \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \lambda} &=\mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{w}-1 \\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \mathbf{w}} &=2 \mathbf{v} \mathbf{w}-2 \lambda \mathbf{w} \end{aligned}
Here $\mathscr{L}$ is the modified objective with Lagrange multipliers (they are required to ensure $\vec w$ is a unit vector)
Setting the derivatives to zero, gives you an eigenvalue problem!
If one wants to solve it using Gradient Descent, because we have obtained the gradients here, we can solve minimizing $\mathscr{L}$ using gradient descent as well.
The above problem is concave:
Hessian is
$$ \begin{bmatrix}
0 & -2 \bf{w}^T \\
-2 \bf{w} & 2 \bf{v} - 2 \lambda \Bbb I
\end{bmatrix} $$
The determinant of this Hessian can be computed as $$
{\rm det}\left|\begin{matrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{matrix}\right| =
{\rm det}|D|\,{\rm det} \left|A - BD^{-1} C\right| $$
The determinant is -ve as the expression $$- {\rm det}(2 \bf{v} - 2 \lambda \Bbb I) {\rm det} (2 \bf{w}^T (2 \bf{v} - 2 \lambda \Bbb I)^{-1} 2 \bf{w} ) $$ is always negative. Therefore, it will converge to a maxima.