I'm conducting a 3 (within) x 2 (between) mixed ANOVA in SPSS and would like to assess whether my data satisfy normality assumptions. Do to so, I have saved the unstandardized residuals from the repeated measures module after specifying my model following the syntax below. This gives me 3 sets of residuals - one for each participant for each level of my within-group factor.
GLM @level1 @level2 @level3 BY group
/WSFACTOR=timepoint 3 Polynomial
To assess normality, do I generate QQ-plots and/or perform Shapiro-Wilk tests for each within-subject factor (1 within-factor with 3 levels = 3 plots & 3 tests)
Do I do this for every cell mean (1 within-factor with 3 levels and 2 groups = 3 x 2 groups = 6 plots and 6 tests)?