I'm not sure of the sampling distribution of the AUC, especially when using something like a random forest. It might be more tractable to bootstrap the AUC and then use a bootstrap confidence interval.
Frank Harrell and Ewout Steyerberg have written about how to do bootstrap validation using the bootstrap. From Ewout's book Clinical Prediction Models, the steps are:
- Construct a model in the original sample; determine the apparent performance on the data from the sample used to construct the model;
- Draw a bootstrap sample (Sample*) with replacement from the original sample;
- Construct a model (Model*) in Sample*, replaying every step that was done in the original sample, especially model specification steps such as selection of predictors. Determine the bootstrap performance as the apparent performance of Model* in Sample*;
- Apply Model* to the original sample without any modification to determine the test performance;
- Calculate the optimism as the difference between bootstrap performance and test performance;
- Repeat steps 1–4 many times, at least 200, to obtain a stable mean estimate of the optimism;
- Subtract the mean optimism estimate (step 6) from the apparent performance (step 1) to obtain the optimism-corrected performance estimate.
The result of this process is an optimism corrected estimate of the AUC. We need to bootstrap this entire process in order to get a confidence interval for the optimism corrected AUC. Frank has described this process on datamethods and it is deceptively simple using rms
(though one must be patient since many many models are being constructed).
If you're using python, or some other language which is not R, you have to roll your own bootstrap estimator yourself. Lucky for you I've done this in python before. Here is an example
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import resample
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
def bootstraps(X, y):
while True:
yield resample(X, y)
def estimate_optimism(model, X, y, nboot=100):
# Step 1 from Ewout's book
model.fit(X, y)
ypred = model.predict_proba(X)[:,1]
original_performance = roc_auc_score(y, ypred)
bootstrap = bootstraps(X, y)
auc_train = np.zeros(nboot)
auc_test = np.zeros(nboot)
#Step 6
for i in range(nboot):
# Step 2
Xstar, ystar = next(bootstrap)
# Step 3
model.fit(Xstar, ystar)
ypred = model.predict_proba(Xstar)[:, 1]
auc_train[i] = roc_auc_score(ystar, ypred)
#Step 4
ypred = model.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]
auc_test[i] = roc_auc_score(y, ypred)
#Step 5
average_optimism = (auc_train - auc_test).mean()
#Step 7
return original_performance - average_optimism
model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=3, n_estimators=10)
# Optimism corrected estimate
estimate_optimism(model, X, y)
# Bootstrap the optimism correction process
bootstrap = bootstraps(X, y)
nboot = 100
estimates = np.zeros(nboot)
for i in range(nboot):
# we are bootstrapping 100x and then repeating the estimate_optimism 100x each for 100^2 runs.
# This takes time
Xnew, ynew = next(bootstrap)
estimates[i] = estimate_optimism(model, Xnew, ynew)
Were I to run this seriosuly, I would increase the nboot in both estimate_optimism
and the final loop to be something larger. From here you would take quantiles of estimates
in order to get a confidence interval for the optimism corrected AUC.
If I remember correctly, using repeated K fold cross validation might be similar to bootstrapping (Frank says here that 100 repeats of 10 fold CV should be as good as the bootstrap, but he doesn't offer any links to experimental evidence for this being the case). Were you to use repeated CV, the code becomes a lot easier in python
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, RepeatedKFold
model = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=3, n_estimators=10)
# Bootstrap the optimism correction process
bootstrap = bootstraps(X, y)
nboot = 100
estimates = np.zeros(nboot)
for i in range(nboot):
Xnew, ynew = next(bootstrap)
estimates[i] = cross_val_score(model, Xnew, ynew, cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=10, n_repeats=100), scoring = 'roc_auc').mean()