It seems that in some cases Welch's t-test can give inflated p-values with imbalanced group sizes. For example, consider the following simulation of unequal group sizes sampled from the same Gaussian distribution.
sapply(2:10, function(n) {
out <- replicate(100000, t.test(rnorm(100), rnorm(n))$p.value)
mean(out < 0.01) / 0.01
# [1] 7.928 3.139 1.913 1.606 1.371 1.285 1.178 1.141 1.192
Is this conclusion correct? Are there general guidelines on group sizes for when a Welch's t-test is appropriate? Are there known ways to correct this apparent bias, or should we in general assume equal variance if groups are imbalanced in terms of size?
To clarify, I'm interested in establishing minimum sample sizes for a Welch t-test, below which we need to be cautious about the possibility of false positives (restricted to the situation where we are happy to assume equal variances).
I think this figure of a simple simulation of samples from the same distribution, with varying sample sizes more cleanly illustrates the issue. In all cases, we expect the mean number of tests with p-value < 0.05 to equal 0.05 if the test performs as expected.
I would conclude that we need to be cautious with a Welch t-test if N < ~5 for any group, particularly if N = 2.
Note, I've not investigated unequal variance, which as BruceET has pointed out can cause potentially high false positive rates when not accounted for.
dosim <- function(var.equal) {
sapply(seq_len(nrow(g)), function(i) {
pv <- replicate(
t.test(rnorm(g[i, "N1"]), rnorm(g[i, "N2"]), var.equal = var.equal)$p.value
mean(pv < 0.05)
reps <- 10000
g <- expand.grid(list(N1 = 2:100, N2 = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10)))
g$Welch <- dosim(FALSE)
g$Student <- dosim(TRUE)
g <- tidyr::gather(g, "stat", "value", "Welch", "Student")
g$N2 <- factor(g$N2)
ggplot(g, aes(x = N1, y = value, col = N2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(stat ~ .) +
ylab("Mean(p < 0.05)")