This post gives an example of Multinomial Distribution.
Two chess players have the probability Player A would win is 0.40, Player B would win is 0.35, game would end in a draw is 0.25.
The multinomial distribution can be used to answer questions such as: “If these two chess players played 12 games, what is the probability that Player A would win 7 games, Player B would win 2 games, the remaining 3 games would be drawn?”
That post has solved the problem programmatically in R.
dmultinom(x=c(7,2,3), prob = c(0.4,0.35,0.25))
## [1] 0.02483712
Could someone please give a hint about how to solved the problem mathematically?
someone gave a formula for this
$$n = \frac{12!}{7! \times 2! \times 3!}$$
the denominator represents all the possible unique ways to get the combination of (Player A wins 7 games, Player B wins 2 games, 3 drawn)
what does the $12!$ part represent?
the corresponding R code is
(factorial(x = 12) / (factorial(x = 7) * factorial(x = 2) * factorial(x = 3))) * (0.4 ^ 7) * (0.35 ^ 2) * (0.25 ^ 3)
and got
#> [1] 0.02483712
the result is equal to the first one, but why? where does this code from?
code is useful for textbook exercises but fails (due to underflow or overflow) on real problems where the numbers might be a little larger. Use logarithms and log factorials (lfactorial
) instead. $\endgroup$