Let $\alpha$ denote the acceptance function of the Markov chain $(X_n)_{n\in\mathbb N_0}$ generated by the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with proposal kernel $Q$ and target distribution $\mu$$^1$ and $(Y_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ denote the corresponding proposal sequence. Now let $f\in L^1(\mu)$ and consider the estimator $$A_nf:=\frac1n\sum_{i=1}^n((1-\alpha(X_{i-1},Y_i))f(X_{i-1})+\alpha(X_{i-1},Y_i)f(Y_i))\;\;\;\text{for }n\in\mathbb N$$ of $\mu f:=\int f\:{\rm d}\mu$.
Are we able to prove a central limit theorem $$\sqrt n(A_nf-\mu f)\xrightarrow{n\to\infty}\mathcal N_{0,\:\sigma^2(f)}\tag1$$ in distribution? If so, can we give a closed form expression for $\sigma^2(f)$? In particular, will $$n\operatorname{Var}[A_nf]\xrightarrow{n\to\infty}\sigma^2(f)\tag2$$ hold?
Note that $$Z_n:=(X_{n-1},Y_n)\;\;\;\text{for }n\in\mathbb N$$ is again a time-homogeeous Markov chain with transition kernel $$\kappa_{\text{aug}}((x,y),A\times B):=1_A(x)(1-\alpha(x,y))Q(x,B)+1_A(y)\alpha(x,y)Q(y,B)$$ for $x,y\in E$ and $A,B\in\mathcal E$ and stationary distribution $\nu:=\mu\otimes Q$. (In general, $\nu$ is not reversible with respect to $\kappa_{\text{aug}}$. Are we able to show the reversibility under the assumption that $q$ is symmetric? If you know the answer, please take a look at my corresponding separate question: Is the stationary distribution of the augmented Metropolis-Hastings kernel even reversible in the symmetric proposal case?.)
Remark: Note that the paper On a Metropolis-Hastings importance sampling estimator contains a related result in Theorem 15 (cf. Theorem 4).
$^1$ To be precise, let
- $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ be a measure space;
- $p$ be a probability density on $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ and $\mu:=p\lambda$;
- $q:E^2\to[0,\infty)$ be ${\mathcal E}^{\otimes2}$-measurable with $$\int\lambda({\rm d}y)q(x,y)=1\;\;\;\text{for all }x\in E$$ and $$Q(x,\;\cdot\;):=q(x,\;\cdot\;)\lambda\;\;\;\text{for }x\in E;$$
- $$\alpha(x,y):=\left.\begin{cases}\displaystyle1\wedge\frac{p(y)q(y,x)}{p(x)q(x,y)}&\text{, if }p(x)q(x,y)\ne0\\1&\text{, otherwise}\end{cases}\right\}\;\;\;\text{for }x,y\in E$$ and $$\kappa(x,B):=\int_BQ(x,{\rm d}y)\alpha(x,y)+\left(1-\int Q(x,{\rm d}y)\alpha(x,y)\right)1_B(x)\;\;\;\text{for }(x,B)\in E\times\mathcal E.$$