Suppose that $X,Z,W$ are random variables and that we are interested in estimating the expectation of $X$, $E(X)$. Suppose that the distribution of $X$ is defined as:
$$ X\mid Z=z, W=w \sim \mathcal{F}_{Z,W} $$
That is, $X$ is conditionally defined with respect to values of $Z$ and $W$. Suppose now that we would like to find $E(X)$ through a sampling procedure
$$ E(X)=E_{W}\bigg(E_{Z\mid W}\left(E\bigg(X\mid Z,W\bigg)\mid W\right)\bigg) $$
If a sampling procedure were to be taken, it would be
- Draw a value of $w$ from the distribution of $W$.
- Draw a value of $z$ from the conditional distribution of $Z\mid W$.
- Draw a value of $x$ from the conditional distribution of $X\mid Z,W$.
I would then like to know what happens if we instead do the following procedure:
$$ E_{W}\bigg(E\bigg(X\mid W\bigg)\bigg) $$
That is, we
- Draw a value of $w$ from the distribution of $W$.
- Draw a value of $x$ from the conditional distribution of $X\mid W$.
By the iterated expectations, or the tower property, the above should be equal to $E(Y)$. However, I am unsure if such a thing can be defined, and what this sort of phenomena is normally referred to.
For example, if the issue is that $X$ needs $Z,W$ to be defined, we can rewrite as:
$$ E\bigg(X\mid W=w\bigg)= \sum_z E\bigg(X\mid W, Z=z\bigg)P\left(Z=z\mid W=w\right) $$
Would it then be a sum of distributions?