Let $X$ be a beta distributed variable with parameters $a$, $b$. Let $Y$ be a beta distributed variable with parameters $c$, $d$. Let $Z = \max(X, Y)$.
Does anybody know of a fast way to compute the mean and variance of $Z$ given $(a, b, c, d)$?
$X$, $Y$ don't necessarily need to have beta distributions, but they should be similar -- in $[0, 1]$.
What I really want to find is a way to quickly approximate the distribution of the sample max of a bunch of random variables. Let $Z = \max(\{X_1, X_2,\dots , X_n\})$. If I know parameters (not necessarily beta-distribution) for $X_1, X_2,\dots, X_n$, can I quickly compute a set of parameters (same distribution as $X_i$) to form a distribution that closely approximates $Z$?
To clarify, the purpose of this has to do with programming AI for board games. If we are evaluating a position in a chess game and we determine one move leads to a 60% chance of winning while all others have a 20% chance of winning, then we value the position as a 60% win. This is the minimax algorithm... However, what I'm curious about is whether this can be improved upon. In the simple case, we approximate:
\mu_c = \max(\{\mu_1, \mu_2,\dots, \mu_n\})
where $\mu_c$ is the expectation from the current position and $\mu_i$ is the expectation from each of the sub-trees.
It seems like we should be able to do better than this. Can we find a function f that replaces max and closely approximates parameters for the distribution of the sample maximum? $$ (\mu_c, \sigma_c) = f\left(\{(\mu_1,\sigma_1), (\mu_2,\sigma_2), \dots, (\mu_n, \sigma_n)\}\right) $$ In this case, we still want $\mu_i$ to be the expectation from each of the nodes. However, $\sigma_i$ does not necessarily need to be variance/standard deviation; just a parameter that represents uncertainty.
Just as: $$ \max(\{a, b, c\}) = \max\left(\{\max(\{a, b\}), c\}\right) $$ We should expect: $$ f\left(\{a, b, c\}\right) \approx f\left(\{f(\{a, b\}), c\}\right) $$ So $f$ does not necessarily need to take parameters for more than two nodes.
One thing, however, is that $f$ should be relatively fast to compute. If the integrals must be calculated, I think doing double exponential integration might work well, but I'm not sure --