I'm new to regression and diagnostics so if this seems a bit basic/unnecessarily long-winded that's why.
I perform a multiple regression of a response variable on four predictor variables. There are 300 data points. I'm asked to find the case with the highest influence. I understand that studentized residuals, leverage and Cook's distances are involved.
I know that the concept of what makes a particular case an outlier or a case of high leverage or whatever is kind of subjective but for the sake of this question, I have a cutoff point defined for certain things (I don't know if these are standard or not so you may already know this):
- If the absolute value of the studentized residual is greater than 2, then the corresponding data point is considered an outlier.
- If the leverage value is greater than twice the number of predictors divided by the number of data points (in this case this value is $\frac{1}{30}$), then the corresponding case has high leverage.
The Cook's distance for each case is calculated as follows:$$D_i = \frac{1}{p}r_i^2\left(\frac{h_{ii}}{1-h_{ii}}\right)$$ where $D_i$ is the distance for the i$^{th}$ case, $p$ is the number of preditors, $r_i$ is the studentized residual for the i$^{th}$ case, and $h_{ii}$ is the leverage for the i$^{th}$ case. There is no cutoff for Cook's Distance.
My instinct is to just find the data point with the largest Cook's Distance and choose that. This prompts my main question:
-Is it possible that the data point with the largest Cook's distance is not the case with the highest influence?
-If so, how likely is that to be true, and how would I find out which data point actually does have the highest influence?
If it helps, I'm using RStudio to calculate values, interpret plots etc. Thanks