I wouldn't necessarily combine the data for the two new websites as @BruceET suggests. There's some discussion under their response.
I like @BruceET 's approach of looking at the confidence intervals for each proportion. It is easy and clear to present to an audience a plot of the proportion and confidence interval for each group.
Looking at these, I would encourage your audience to not get too hung up about a magic cutoff value of p = 0.05, or perfectly non-overlapping confidence intervals. The proportions and confidence intervals suggest the newer websites are similar and perhaps better than the old site.
The way I would probably approach this problem is with logistic regression. This produces clear results, that will also be easy to present, but the analysis may be less familiar for your audience.
The following example can be run in R.
Lets start by calculating the non-paying counts
Total = c(18789, 7842, 7570)
Payment = c( 425, 205, 206)
Nonpay = Total - Payment
### [1] 18364 7637 7364
Install some required packages
Input the data and run the logistic regression. The p value for the effect of Website is shown. It turns out it's just shy of meeting a 0.05 threshold. (And we still shouldn't get too hung up on the 0.05 threshold).
Data = read.table(header=T, text="
Website Pay Weight
Old Yes 425
Old No 18364
New1 Yes 205
New1 No 7637
New2 Yes 206
New2 No 7364
model= glm(Pay ~ Website, weights=Weight, data=Data,
Anova(model, test="Wald")
### Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests)
### Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
### Website 2 5.9893 0.05006
If we wanted to compare pairwise among the individual websites, we could use estimated marginal means. If we translate these marginal means from the analysis back to their original, "response", scale, we will get estimates for the proportions and their confidence intervals. Note that in this case, everything is quite close to those given by @BruceET .
marginal = emmeans(model, ~ Website, type="response")
### Website prob SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
### New1 0.0261 0.00180 Inf 0.0228 0.0299
### New2 0.0272 0.00187 Inf 0.0238 0.0311
### Old 0.0226 0.00108 Inf 0.0206 0.0248
### Confidence level used: 0.95
### Intervals are back-transformed from the logit scale
Now, pairwise comparisons among individual websites with a Tukey adjustment for multiple comparisons.
### contrast odds.ratio SE df z.ratio p.value
### New1 / New2 0.96 0.0960 Inf -0.413 0.9104
### New1 / Old 1.16 0.0999 Inf 1.722 0.1969
### New2 / Old 1.21 0.1040 Inf 2.204 0.0705
### P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
### Tests are performed on the log odds ratio scale
If we wanted to look at these comparisons without the adjustment.
pairs(marginal, adjust="none")
### contrast odds.ratio SE df z.ratio p.value
### New1 / New2 0.96 0.0960 Inf -0.413 0.6798
### New1 / Old 1.16 0.0999 Inf 1.722 0.0850
### New2 / Old 1.21 0.1040 Inf 2.204 0.0275
Another approach is to arrange the counts in a contingency and use a chi-square test of association. Here the p value is just less than 0.05, so quite close to the previous analysis.
Input =("
Website Pay Nonpay
Old 425 18364
New1 205 7637
New2 206 7364
Matrix = as.matrix(read.table(textConnection(Input),
Test = chisq.test(Matrix)
### Pearson's Chi-squared test
### X-squared = 6.0033, df = 2, p-value = 0.0497
You might find some different different methods for post-hoc testing of chi-square test of association. Here, I'll suggest one approach: examining the standardized residuals. A standardized residual > 1.96 or < -1.96 corresponds to a p value of 0.05, and suggests that that cell is "interesting" relative to the expected values. Here, the cells in the Old row meet this criteria, suggesting that the cells in the Old row stand out "significantly" in the table.
### Pay Nonpay
### Old -2.412033 2.412033
### New1 1.108878 -1.108878
### New2 1.767987 -1.767987