I use a database with entries at firm-level in 12 countries in 2008. I try to estimate innovation (0/1) based on few firm-level variables. I also want to see if / how much innovation is also due to country-level effects. Thus I want to control for country effects. If I introduce i.country in my logistic regression I get negative z values for each country. I feel this is not right because when I look at data, only one country has 0 for innovation more frequently than 1.
Countries take values as 52, 54, 55.. and 92 Bellow is a split of innovation responses by firm-countries. I tries two things: one is to have i.country in regression and other is to use dummies. I created dummies for countries and I introduced them all in regression. Which is correct and how I interpret this?
. tabulate Country INNOV
Country | 0 1 | Total
52 | 4 28 | 32
54 | 25 48 | 73
55 | 40 48 | 88
58 | 40 96 | 136
59 | 4 40 | 44
60 | 14 29 | 43
61 | 39 55 | 94
62 | 35 47 | 82
75 | 10 54 | 64
78 | 28 51 | 79
90 | 29 138 | 167
92 | 105 69 | 174
Total | 373 703 | 1,076
Here I look by one country no independent variables. The odds of innovation if country is 90 (Germany) is positive. If I repeat this country by country, only 92 gets z as negative
. logistic INNOV if Country==90
Logistic regression Number of obs = 167
LR chi2(0) = -0.00
Prob > chi2 = .
Log likelihood = -77.092379 Pseudo R2 = -0.0000
INNOV | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
_cons | 4.758621 .9720773 7.64 0.000 3.1886 7.101696
Here I run regression with one independent variable and while controlling (??) for country effects .. z values for countries are negative (why?)
. logistic INNOV i.Country Mang_MNEexperience
Logistic regression Number of obs = 481
LR chi2(12) = 61.89
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -283.25686 Pseudo R2 = 0.0985
INNOV | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
Country |
54 | .3689431 .3062865 -1.20 0.230 .0724962 1.877602
55 | .2295013 .1909388 -1.77 0.077 .0449375 1.172091
58 | .4457037 .3627449 -0.99 0.321 .090423 2.196917
59 | 1.689363 1.597736 0.55 0.579 .2646602 10.78344
60 | .7459045 .7228328 -0.30 0.762 .1116376 4.983748
61 | .1580636 .1313537 -2.22 0.026 .0310076 .8057415
62 | .3256028 .2674703 -1.37 0.172 .0650816 1.628988
75 | .9975062 1.10341 -0.00 0.998 .1141151 8.719431
78 | .6885038 .6454499 -0.40 0.691 .1096308 4.323944
90 | .5391077 .4787809 -0.70 0.487 .0945637 3.073453
92 | .0549765 .0542165 -2.94 0.003 .0079569 .3798489
Mang_MNEexperience | 1.083192 .0309218 2.80 0.005 1.02425 1.145525
_cons | 4.357274 3.409211 1.88 0.060 .9401977 20.19345
Here I use dummies to control for countries
. logistic INNOV countrydummy1 countrydummy2 countrydummy3 countrydummy4 countrydummy5 countrydummy6
> countrydummy7 countrydummy8 countrydummy9 countrydummy10 countrydummy11 countrydummy12 Mang_MNEexpe
> rience
note: countrydummy12 omitted because of collinearity
Logistic regression Number of obs = 481
LR chi2(12) = 61.89
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -283.25686 Pseudo R2 = 0.0985
INNOV | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
countrydummy1 | 18.18959 17.93813 2.94 0.003 2.632625 125.6773
countrydummy2 | 6.710925 4.467707 2.86 0.004 1.820148 24.74333
countrydummy3 | 4.174535 2.79421 2.13 0.033 1.124241 15.5009
countrydummy4 | 8.107169 5.216314 3.25 0.001 2.297149 28.61207
countrydummy5 | 30.72882 24.17314 4.35 0.000 6.575663 143.5993
countrydummy6 | 13.5677 11.30987 3.13 0.002 2.648225 69.51165
countrydummy7 | 2.875114 1.907619 1.59 0.111 .7832285 10.55411
countrydummy8 | 5.922583 3.865446 2.73 0.006 1.648026 21.28425
countrydummy9 | 18.14423 17.87654 2.94 0.003 2.630846 125.1358
countrydummy10 | 12.52361 9.977246 3.17 0.002 2.627836 59.68436
countrydummy11 | 9.80615 6.794078 3.30 0.001 2.522048 38.12797
countrydummy12 | 1 (omitted)
Mang_MNEexperience | 1.083192 .0309218 2.80 0.005 1.02425 1.145525
_cons | .2395476 .1453217 -2.36 0.018 .0729475 .7866357
- Which way is the correct one?
- Why in using i.country z is negative and in using dummies z is positive
- How do I interpret country effects?