Similar to previous questions but I'm still a little confused as to whether I've followed the right process/understood the results correctly.
For a research project I'm conducting I used Likert scales for questions and then calculated the weighted average for each group. After doing this I wanted to see if there was a stasticaly significant difference in the groups. To do so I conducted a Kruskal-Wallis test that included each of the questions.
One question did have a p-value of 0.02 and so I wanted to look into that further to see if one group is particularly polarising (or so forth). And so I followed up with dunntest (by Alexis Dinno) in Stata and below is what came up.
From this it looks like group C has some sort of significance but I don't quite know how to say it and to report the p-value (or if this is even needed). I'm just a little lost (sorry if this was a basic question). Would really appreciate any advice/suggestions.
. dunntest Question_3, by(PanelField) ma(none) Results below :
option indunntest
may give output that is a little easier to follow than the tabled output you show above if you are not accustomed to such tables. $\endgroup$