I am trying to estimate a sample covariance when I have less observations $n$ than variables $p$ ($n<p$). This will serve later on as basis for a shrinkage estimator.
We know (see this post) that the sample covariance with $n<p$ will not be positive-definite, but at least it should be semi-positive definite. Now I realized that if I have even a single missing value, and use the pairwise.complete.obs
strategy as in R stats::cov (which computes individual entries with available data) the resulting matrix is not even semi-positive definite (i.e. there is a negative eigenvalue). See code below.
What is the intuition/mathematical phenomenon for the fact that my matrix is not more at least semi-positive definite?
X <- matrix(rnorm(500), nrow=5, ncol=10)
X_NA <- X
X_NA[2,1] <- NA
#> [1] -3.440114e-16
min(eigen(cov(X_NA, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))$values)
#> [1] -0.157207
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