I have a convex function $f \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ that I minimize using L1-regularization: $\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min}$ $$ x^*=\argmin_x f(x) + \lambda ||x||_1 $$
Can I assume that I achieve sparseness, i.e., that $x^* \in \mathbb{R}^n$ will have few non-zero entries? More explicitly, can I assume that $||x^*||_0 := |\{i \mid x_i \neq 0\}|$ is small?
Special Case: Lasso
The answer is well-known to be yes in the case of $f(x)=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N ||y-Xx||_2^2$ --- this is Lasso. But what about general convex function $f$?
My Thinking
Feel free to ignore the rest of the question if there is a better way to approach this.
Step 1: It seems reasonable to me that the following minimization problem yields few non-zero entries: $$ \argmin_{||x||_1\leq\delta} f(x) $$ The reasoning for this is standard (e.g., "The Elements ofStatistical Learning", Fig. 3.11). I am not fully sure if it really applies for general convex $f$, but it seems reasonable to think that it does, at least to "most" $f$ (any additional insight here is appreciated).
Step 2: My main concern with this approach is if indeed there is a $\delta$ (which depends on $\lambda$), such that:
$$ x^* \in \argmin_{||x||_1 \leq \delta} f(x) $$
How would I show this?