Suppose we have a new treatment and it will be authorized only if it is effective and safe. So from a statistical point of view we have to perform two tests: one for efficacy and one for safety. We also want to have less than $\alpha = 0.05$ probability of accepting a treatment that is either ineffective or unsafe.
From what I understand from statistical test, if we run a single trial and at the end perform these two tests, we have to reduce the threshold of statistical significativity for each test (using Bonferroni correction for example) in order to keep an overall $\alpha$ at $0.05$.
But what if we run two trials, one for safety and one for efficacy? We thus have two samples, do we still need to adjust for test multiplicity?
Another question I have is that, if we forget about safety and only have to demonstrate efficacy, and two trials show different results (one test from one trial is significant and the other is not), what could we conclude about efficacy?