I'm currently collecting time series data from an experiment. I'm collecting the position of an object in 1D, i.e. $x$, at a rate of 60 times per second. I'm then interested in summary statistics. The main summary statistic that I'm interested in is the fraction of measurements where the absolute value is larger than a limit, e.g. 0.1.
Every time I perform the experiment, I get a slightly different number. Sometimes the fraction is 0.2, sometimes 0.21, 0.17 etc. I expect that these fractions follow an unknown distribution. With enough experiments, the mean value that I get will be stable so that the standard deviation of the mean value will be smaller than some value.
I believe that I can estimate the standard deviation of the mean value by bootstrapping. However, I would like to estimate in advance how many experiments I have to perform for the standard deviation of the mean to go below some value.
Can I do that using the e.g. 10 first experiments?
I'm open to simulations, Bayesian approaches, or whatever is possible.