I'm interested in simulating the following prospective, population-based model for binary outcome $Y_i$, and independent subjects $i=1,\dots,N$: $$ \Pr(Y_i=1\mid X_i,G_i)=\frac{1}{1+\exp(-(\alpha_0 + 0.5 X_i + G_i\beta))} $$ where $X_i\sim N(0,1)$ is a continuous covariate with effect 0.5 (log OR scale), $G_i$ is an $m\times 1$ vector of binary covariates, with corresponding effects $\beta$. The value of $m$ can be large and is usuall around 1000. Each element of $G_i$ is generated independently with some probability $\pi_j$, $j=1,\dots,m$. That is $\mathbb{E}G_{ij}=\pi_j$. $\alpha_0$ is an intercept related to the prevalence, $p_0=\Pr(Y_i=1)$ of outcome in the population.
Question When I run the following model below, I set $\alpha_0=\log p_0/(1-p_0)-\sum_{j=1}^m\pi_{j}\beta_j$ in the probability model above. The idea of subtracting out the second term is so that on average it can cancel out with $G_i\beta$, leaving just the log odds (first term).
However, I find that my estimated prevalence $\hat{\Pr}(Y_i=1)=\sum_{i=1}^N I(Y=1)/N$=0.27948 is not even close to the value of $p_0=0.01$. This happens because $\sum_{j=1}^m\pi_{j}\beta_j$ is a non-negligible term. How can I set my intercept to get the right estimate?
The probability model I have is a conditional probability and $p_0=\Pr(Y_i=1)$. Taking the expectation with respect to $X$ and $G$ would yield the marginal, but it can get quite messy. Is there a slightly adhoc way just for simulation purposes to get close to the desired $p_0$?
Using gung's comments, I've modified the code below so that I fix $\pi_j$'s and $\beta$'s first. Then $\alpha_0$ is searched until the estimate $\hat{\Pr}(Y_i=1)\approx p_0$.
#Population size
N = 100000
#Prevalence of disease
p0 = 0.01
#Continuous covariate
X <- rnorm(N,0,1)
#Number of binary covariates
m = 1000
#Set pi_j to be the same for each binary covariate
pi_j = rep(0.01,m)
#Generate binary covariates for N subjects
#See below for genSpMat definition
G <- genSpMat(nrows=N,ncols=m,col_probs=pi_j)
#Generate betas for each binary covariate
betas <- runif(m,1,4)
#Generate probability model
#Guess alpha0 so that E(pr)~0.01
#Max alpha0 is log(p0/(1-p0))
alpha0 <- log(p0/(1-p0))
pr <- rep(1,N)
#Adjust intercept until population prevalence is reached (to a certain tolerance)
while(abs(mean(pr)-p0) > 2*10^(round(log10(p0))-1)){
alpha0 <- alpha0 - 1
pr <- plogis(alpha0 + 0.5*X + as.vector(G%*%betas))
Y <- rbinom(N,1,pr) #Outcome
#Generate sparse matrix of 0/1s
genSpMat <- function(nrows, ncols, col_probs) {
r <- lapply(1:ncols, function(x) {
p <- col_probs[x]
i <- sample.int(2L, size = nrows, replace = T, prob = c(1 - p, p))
which(i == 2L)
rl <- lengths(r)
nc <- rep(1:ncols, times = rl) # col indexes
nr <- unlist(r) # row index
ddims <- c(nrows, ncols)
#ngTMatrix output
sparseMatrix(i = nr, j = nc, dims = ddims,giveCsparse = FALSE)