I'm currently reviewing a colleague's paper, and they have an intervention study (2x3 design) with 2 groups (therapy vs waitlist control) and 3 time points (pre-test, post-test, long-term follow-up). They are looking at several outcome measures.
For the data analysis portion, they simply calculated changes in scores between pre-intervention scores and post-intervention scores (e.g. pre minus post). They also calculated change scores for pre-intervention scores and 12-week follow-up scores (e.g. pre minus 12-week follow-up). They used independent t-tests to find significance of between group change scores (i.e. to see if the pre-post change score was significantly greater for therapy group compared to the waitlist control) and paired sample t-test for change within group.
I think a repeated-measures ANOVA or mixed effects model would be far superior to this method, but i'm having trouble explaining coherent the rationale behind this. I would love to hear thoughts on this...thanks so much in advance!