Let us consider the following model:
$$Y_j = X_j + \epsilon_j \hspace{15pt} j=1, ..., n$$
Where $Y_j$ is a noisy signal, $\epsilon_j$ is the noise which is independend from the signal $X_j$. We have only i.i.d. samples of $Y_j$ and $\epsilon_j$ and are interested in the distribution of $X_j$. The density $f_{\epsilon}$ is assumed to be unknown. Comte and Lacour suggest a method based on fourier transform to solve this problem (see section 2.2).
Let's call $\varphi_X(t)$ the characteristic function for $X$ and $f^{*}_X$ the fourier transform of the density $f_X$.
Here is my question: The main idea in deconvolution is to use the independence assumption for $X$ and $\epsilon$ and then use fourier transform to solve the equation $f^{*}_X = f^{*}_Y/f^{*}_{\epsilon}$. Applying the inverse fourier transform leads to an estimate for $f_X$.
Can I use the characteristic function instead of the fourier transform? Does this give me any advantages or disadvantages? I assume that both fourier transform or characteristic function could be used but would like to know what other people think.