If your prior $\sigma_0 = \infty$, this implies that your prior is totally uninformative. Therefore, given one single observation, your posterior belief about the mean is simply the observation itself, which you have already pointed out.
The posterior precision (inverse of variance) about the mean is simply the sum of the prior precision and the precision of the data. In this case, the posterior precision is $\frac{1}{\infty}+\frac{1}{0.1}$, so the posterior variance is the same as the variance of the data generating process. This is again due to the fact that the prior is uninformative.
If you had some informative prior beliefs with finite variance, the posterior mean is as you have described, where $\mu_1=\frac{\sigma^2}{\sigma^2+\sigma_0^2}\mu_0+ \frac{\sigma_0^2}{\sigma^2+\sigma_0^2}x $. This is just a rewriting of what you had, and we can interpret this as a weighted combination of the prior belief and the data. The weights are simply the variance or degree of uncertainty about each phase, thus if your prior is uninformative, we can interpret this as assigning all weight to the data and no weight to the prior.
The choice of the prior depends on the context and is important to justify in any Bayesian inference problem. One example is where you begin with an uninformative prior and observe some data, thus forming a posterior belief. This posterior belief can then form your “prior” going forward, which you will update based on the weighted combination formula above after you observe more data.