I understand, that in the case of normal distribution, the estimation of the mean (from samples) is more efficient (i.e. of less risk), than the estimation of the median. According e.g. to this post, the median is 64% efficient as the mean.
How about a lognormal distribution with parameters $\mu$ and $\sigma$? The population mean is then
$a = e^{(\mu + \frac12 \sigma^2)}$
and the median
$m=e^\mu$ .
To be specific, let $x_1,x_2,…, x_n$ be a sequence of i.i.d. variables drawn from $X$ ~ $logN(\mu, \sigma)$. Define $a_n = \frac1n ∑x_i$, and $m_n$ to be the median of ${x_1,x_2,…x_n}$. Which varies less around its respective true value: $a_n$ around $a$ or $m_n$ around $m$? Does the answer for the question depend on the sample size?
My guess is, that the answer depends on the value of $\sigma$. To go further, my simulations show, that for $\sigma$ < 0.5, the mean, for $\sigma$ > 0.5 the median is more efficient. Is there a proof for that?
n <- 10^6 #population size
mu.v <- 10^seq(from=-1 ,to=2,by=.5) #different values of mu
sig.v <- 10^seq(from=-2 ,to=1,by=.5) #different values of sigma
ss <- 10 #sample size
ar0 <- array(data=rep(NaN, length(mu.v)*length(sig.v)*2),
dim=c(length(mu.v),length(sig.v), 2),
for (jmu in 1:length(mu.v)){
for (jsig in 1:length(sig.v)){
y <- exp(rnorm(n, mu.v[jmu],sig.v[jsig])) #generate random population
nr <- 1e2; #num of runs
outtab <- matrix(data=NA,nrow=nr,ncol=2,dimnames=list(c(),c("dev_mean","dev_medi")))
for (jr in 1:nr) { #loop runs
y1 <- sample(y, size=ss,replace=TRUE)
outtab[jr,] <- c((mean(y1)-mean(y))^2 ,(median(y1)-median(y))^2)
ar0[jmu,jsig,1] <- (mean(outtab[,1]))^.5
ar0[jmu,jsig,2] <- (mean(outtab[,2]))^.5