My objective is Checking of the significance of differences of two linear regression methods on one database based on the robustness measure I used (which I called robustness as only a name).
The robustness measure used as follows.
I am working with two different linear regression models on one dataset.
First, I standardised all the variables (independent/dependent) to zero mean and unit variance.
With the linear regression model 1, I performed 30-fold split for the dataset. So, I have model coefficients for each fold. I calculated the variance for each variable within 30 models. Finally, I sum all the variances in one total value.
For example, I have 30 coefficients for a variable (X1), then I calculate the variance for 30 coefficients and the same for all the remaining variables and Finally, I sum all the variances in one total value.
I did this process with two models and one dataset. So I end up with a small matrix contains the Sum of variances values (its rows refer to the dataset used and its columns for linear models used).
I want a statistical test to evaluate the significance of differences.
I will recall the definition of the robustness indicator I used again.
The first requirement: all features (input and output) are standardised (have zero mean and unit variance).
I have $d$ regression coefficients $C_1,…C_d$ (there is no intercept because data are standardised).
For each coefficient, we have k estimations $C_i^1,…,C_i^k$ by one linear method (I consider $k=30$, because of the usage of 30-fold CV).
I calculate variance for each coefficient $σ_i=var(C_i )$. So, I define an indicator of robustness as $R= \sum_{i=1}^{d} σ_i$
I created below table to have an idea of the problem.
To make it more clear, linear regression Model 1 could be Ordinary least square regression and linear regression Model 2 is, for example, Weighted linear regression. I can also use Huber, Quantile, Least absolute deviation regression and so on.
I want to check the significance of differences between the two methods on one database. Robustness Indicators will be different but are them significantly different?