If I have an ECM such that there are 2 cointegrated variables, $Z_t\sim I(1)$, $X_t\sim (1)$, and the equation in levels is $Z_t=a+bX_t+e_t$, $e_t\sim I(0)$, can I add other regressors to the 2nd stage regression as follows?
$$ \Delta z_t = \alpha_1 (z_{t-1}-a-bx_{t-1}) + \gamma_{11} \Delta z_{t-1} + \gamma_{12} \Delta x_{t-1} + \gamma_{13} \Delta y_{t-1} + + \gamma_{14} w_{t} +\varepsilon_{t} $$
Where $w_{t}$ is a known dummy variable and along with $y_{t-1}$ was added in the 2nd stage?
Edit: I guess since the long-term relationship is modeled by the variables $Z_t$, $X_t$, and this is modeled through the error term in the ECM, I just wonder why some short-term variables that do have an influence on $Z_t$ cant be added to the ECM.