Resources about LDA usually say the number of components is bounded by the number of classes - 1. E.g, in the binary case, only one component can be found.
In LDA, the first discriminant direction $\Phi_1$ is calculated as argmax of $\frac{\Phi_1^T S_b \Phi_1}{\Phi_1^T S_w \Phi_1}$ where $S_b$ and $S_w$ are the between-class and within-class covariance matrices, respectively. Why can't we continue this way and compute the $i$th direction $\Phi_i$ to be the argmax of $\frac{\Phi_i^T S_b \Phi_i}{\Phi_i^T S_w \Phi_i}$ under the constraint of orthogonality to $\Phi_1, \Phi_2 \dots \Phi_{i-1}$, as is done in PCA?
Ostenbily, in the binary case, where each $\Phi_i$ is a vector, one can do it $n$ times, if the inputs are $n$ dimensional vectors.
which is the second best direction in minimizing the LDA loss?
Please return to my first link. If you have 2 data clouds of identical cov matrices (I.e. identical shape and space orientation) there is no "LDA loss" beyond the single dimension. One dimension suffice. LDA "loss" is separability loss, not variability loss like of PCA. $\endgroup$