I don't know about the GEE but for random-effects:
They are two functions for fitting random effects wthin a GAMLSS
model, random() and re(). The function random() is based on the
original random() function of Trevor Hastie in the package gam. TIn
our version the function has been modified to allow a "local" maximum
likelihood estima- tion of the smoothing parameter lambda. This method
is equivalent to the PQL method of Breslow and Clayton (1993) applied
at the local iterations of the algorithm. In fact for a GLM model and
a simple random effect it is equivalent to glmmPQL() function in the
package MASS see Venables and Ripley (2002). Venables and Ripley
(2002) claimed that this iterative method was first introduced by
Schall (1991). Note that in order for the "local" maximum likelhood
estimation procedure to operate both argument df and lambda has to be
NULL. The function re() is an interface for calling the lme() function
of the package nlme. This gives the user the abilty to fit comlpicated
random effect models while the assumtion of the normal dis- tribution
for the response variable is relaxed. The theoretical justification
cames again from the fact that this is a PQL method, Breslow and
Clayton (1993).
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