I have and imbalanced data set with two classes of data: $A$ and $B$. I apply a method that assigns a continuous probability to each element of belonging to class $A$: $P_{A}$ , where $P_B=1-P_A$.
I need a way to assess its performance, but all the metrics I've found assume that the result of your classification method is either 1 or 0 ($A$ or $B$):
- 24 Evaluation Metrics for Binary Classification (And When to Use Them)
- Evaluating Classification Models
- The ultimate guide to binary classification metrics
- Metrics and scoring: quantifying the quality of predictions
I could "transform" my results to this format by splitting $P_A$ at $P_A=0.5$ and assuming larger values are 1 (element classified as $A$), and smaller values are 0 (element classified as $B$), but this feels like I'm throwing information away.
Is there a metric that makes use of the fact that I have a continuous range of probabilities and not just 1 or 0?