In Naive Bayes Why is it necessary for Naive to assumes that the input features are independent and not co-related .
can anyone explain with a very simple example on what is the problem of events being dependent in Bayes therom ( NON-Naive Bayes in this case ) , why is that its become a global rule to applying Naive and make the events being independent ?
please explain with a simple example in layman term the difference between Naive Bayes and Non-naive Bayes.
if we have a sentence "You won lottery for 1million" and we need to classify it as spam and not spam .
in the likelihood part we will model the probability as p(x|y)
here x="You won lottery for 1million" and y=spam or not spam
p('You won lottery for 1million'|y=spam)
p('You won lottery for 1million'|y=notspam)
why is it so hard to calculate above probability that we need naive to pitch in and make the features independent to calculate the probability ,
when using independence if any one of the probablity of event is 0 then it make the who probability zero right ?
p(you|y=spam)* p(won |y=spam)*p(lottery|y=spam)*p(for|y=spam)*p(1million|y=spam)
p(you|y=notspam)* p(won |y=notspam)*p(lottery|y=notspam)*p(for|y=notspam)*p(1million|y=notspam)
Edited the question where i gave a example myself .