I am currently studying the textbook In All Likelihood -- Statistical Modelling and Inference Using Likelihood by Yudi Pawitan. Section Inverse probability: the Bayesians of chapter 1 says the following:
The first modern method to assimilate observed data for quantitative inductive reasoning was published (posthumously) in 1763 by Bayes with his Essay towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances. He used an inverse probability, via the now-standard Bayes theorem, to estimate a binomial probability. The simplest form of the Bayes theorem for two events $A$ and $B$ is
$$P(A \vert B) = \dfrac{P(AB)}{P(B)} = \dfrac{P(B \vert A)P(A)}{P(B \vert A)P(A) + P(B \vert \overline{A})P(\overline{A})}. \tag{1.1}$$
Suppose the unknown binomial probability is $\theta$ and the observed number of successes in $n$ independent trials is $x$. Then, in modern notation, Bayes's solution is
$$f(\theta \vert x) = \dfrac{f(x, \theta)}{f(x)} = \dfrac{f(x \vert \theta) f(\theta)}{\int f(x \vert \theta) f(\theta) d \theta}, \tag{1.2}$$
where $f(\theta \vert x)$ is the conditional density of $\theta$ given $x$, $f(\theta)$ is the so-called prior density of $\theta$ and $f(x)$ is the marginal probability of $x$. (Note that we have used the symbol $f(\cdot)$ as a generic function, much like the way we use $P(\cdot)$ for probability. The named argument(s) of the function determines what the function is. Thus, $f(\theta, x)$ is the joint density of $\theta$ and $x$, $f(x \vert \theta)$ is the conditional density of $x$ given $\theta$, etc.)
Leaving aside the problem of specifying $f(\theta)$, Bayes had accomplished a giant step: he had put the problem of inductive inference (i.e. learning from data $x$) within the clean deductive steps of mathematics. Alas, 'the problem of specifying $f(\theta)$' a priori is an equally giant point of controversy up to the present day.
There is nothing controversial about the Bayes theorem (1.1), but (1.2) is a different matter. Both $A$ and $B$ in (1.1) are random events, while in the Bayesian use of (1.2) only $x$ needs to be a random outcome; in a typical binomial experiment $\theta$ is an unknown fixed parameter. Bayes was well aware of this problem, which he overcame by considering that $\theta$ was generated in an auxiliary physical experiment - throwing a ball on a level square table - such that $\theta$ is expected to be uniform in the interval $(0, 1)$. Specifically, in this case we have $f(\theta) = 1$ and
$$f(\theta \vert x) = \dfrac{\theta^x(1 - \theta)^{n - x}}{\int_0^1 u^x(1 - u)^{n - x} du} \tag{1.3}$$
Fisher was very respectful of Bayes's seeming apprehension about using an axiomatic prior; in fact, he used Bayes's auxiliary experiment to indicate that Bayes was not a Bayesian in the modern sense. If $\theta$ is a random variable then there is nothing 'Bayesian' in the use of the Bayes theorem. Frequentists do use the Bayes theorem in applications that call for it.
It is this last part that I am curious about:
Fisher was very respectful of Bayes's seeming apprehension about using an axiomatic prior; in fact, he used Bayes's auxiliary experiment to indicate that Bayes was not a Bayesian in the modern sense. If $\theta$ is a random variable then there is nothing 'Bayesian' in the use of the Bayes theorem. Frequentists do use the Bayes theorem in applications that call for it.
So what specifically is the controversy here? Why would considering $\theta$ to be a random variable not be 'Bayesian'?
Based on prior (hehe, no pun intended) study, I understanding that there is significant controversy here between Bayesians and Frequentists. And I understand the differences between the two philosophies. But it's not clear to me what the specific problem is with Bayes's work (or, rather, what it is that Frequentists find so controversial about his work).
I would greatly appreciate it if people would please take the time to explain this.