The key idea is that the sampling distribution of the median is simple to express in terms of the distribution function but more complicated to express in terms of the median value. Once we understand how the distribution function can re-express values as probabilities and back again, it is easy to derive the exact sampling distribution of the median. A little analysis of the behavior of the distribution function near its median is needed to show that this is asymptotically Normal.
(The same analysis works for the sampling distribution of any quantile, not just the median.)
I will make no attempt to be rigorous in this exposition, but I do carry out it out in steps that are readily justified in a rigorous manner if you have a mind to do that.
These are snapshots of a box containing 70 atoms of a hot atomic gas:
In each image I have found a location, shown as a red vertical line, that splits the atoms into two equal groups between the left (drawn as black dots) and right (white dots). This a median of the positions: 35 of the atoms lie to its left and 35 to its right. The medians change because the atoms are moving randomly around the box.
We are interested in the distribution of this middle position. Such a question is answered by reversing my procedure: let's first draw a vertical line somewhere, say at location $x$. What is the chance that half the atoms will be to the left of $x$ and half to its right? The atoms at the left individually had chances of $x$ to be at the left. The atoms at the right individually had chances of $1-x$ to be at the right. Assuming their positions are statistically independent, the chances multiply, giving $x^{35}(1-x)^{35}$ for the chance of this particular configuration. An equivalent configuration could be attained for a different split of the $70$ atoms into two $35$-element pieces. Adding these numbers for all possible such splits gives a chance of
$${\Pr}(x\text{ is a median}) = C x^{n/2} (1-x)^{n/2}$$
where $n$ is the total number of atoms and $C$ is proportional to the number of splits of $n$ atoms into two equal subgroups.
This formula identifies the distribution of the median as a Beta$(n/2+1, n/2+1)$ distribution.
Now consider a box with a more complicated shape:
Once again the medians vary. Because the box is low near the center, there isn't much of its volume there: a small change in the volume occupied by the left half of the atoms (the black ones once again)--or, we might as well admit, the area to the left as shown in these figures--corresponds to a relatively large change in the horizontal position of the median. In fact, because the area subtended by a small horizontal section of the box is proportional to the height there, the changes in the medians are divided by the box's height. This causes the median to be more variable for this box than for the square box, because this one is so much lower in the middle.
In short, when we measure the position of the median in terms of area (to the left and right), the original analysis (for a square box) stands unchanged. The shape of the box only complicates the distribution if we insist on measuring the median in terms of its horizontal position. When we do so, the relationship between the area and position representation is inversely proportional to the height of the box.
There is more to learn from these pictures. It is clear that when few atoms are in (either) box, there is a greater chance that half of them could accidentally wind up clustered far to either side. As the number of atoms grows, the potential for such an extreme imbalance decreases. To track this, I took "movies"--a long series of 5000 frames--for the curved box filled with $3$, then with $15$, then $75$, and finally with $375$ atoms, and noted the medians. Here are histograms of the median positions:
Clearly, for a sufficiently large number of atoms, the distribution of their median position begins to look bell-shaped and grows narrower: that looks like a Central Limit Theorem result, doesn't it?
Quantitative Results
The "box," of course, depicts the probability density of some distribution: its top is the graph of the density function (PDF). Thus areas represent probabilities. Placing $n$ points randomly and independently within a box and observing their horizontal positions is one way to draw a sample from the distribution. (This is the idea behind rejection sampling.)
The next figure connects these ideas.
This looks complicated, but it's really quite simple. There are four related plots here:
The top plot shows the PDF of a distribution along with one random sample of size $n$. Values greater than the median are shown as white dots; values less than the median as black dots. It does not need a vertical scale because we know the total area is unity.
The middle plot is the cumulative distribution function for the same distribution: it uses height to denote probability. It shares its horizontal axis with the first plot. Its vertical axis must go from $0$ to $1$ because it represents probabilities.
The left plot is meant to be read sideways: it is the PDF of the Beta$(n/2+1, n/2+1)$ distribution. It shows how the median in the box will vary, when the median is measured in terms of areas to the left and right of the middle (rather than measured by its horizontal position). I have drawn $16$ random points from this PDF, as shown, and connected them with horizontal dashed lines to the corresponding locations on the original CDF: this is how volumes (measured at the left) are converted to positions (measured across the top, center, and bottom graphics). One of these points actually corresponds to the median shown in the top plot; I have drawn a solid vertical line to show that.
The bottom plot is the sampling density of the median, as measured by its horizontal position. It is obtained by converting area (in the left plot) to position. The conversion formula is given by the inverse of the original CDF: this is simply the definition of the inverse CDF! (In other words, the CDF converts position into area to the left; the inverse CDF converts back from area to position.) I have plotted vertical dashed lines showing how the random points from the left plot are converted into random points within the bottom plot. This process of reading across and then down tells us how to go from area to position.
Let $F$ be the CDF of the original distribution (middle plot) and $G$ the CDF of the Beta distribution. To find the chance that the median lies to the left of some position $x$, first use $F$ to obtain the area to the left of $x$ in the box: this is $F(x)$ itself. The Beta distribution at the left tells us the chance that half the atoms will lie within this volume, giving $G(F(x))$: this is the CDF of the median position. To find its PDF (as shown in the bottom plot), take the derivative:
$$\frac{d}{dx}G(F(x)) = G'(F(x))F'(x) = g(F(x))f(x)$$
where $f$ is the PDF (top plot) and $g$ is the Beta PDF (left plot).
This is an exact formula for the distribution of the median for any continuous distribution. (With some care in interpretation it can be applied to any distribution whatsoever, whether continuous or not.)
Asymptotic Results
When $n$ is very large and $F$ does not have a jump at its median, the sample median must vary closely around the true median $\mu$ of the distribution. Also assuming the PDF $f$ is continuous near $\mu$, $f(x)$ in the preceding formula will not change much from its value at $\mu,$ given by $f(\mu).$ Moreover, $F$ will not change much from its value there either: to first order,
$$F(x) = F\left(\mu + (x-\mu)\right) \approx F(\mu) + F^\prime(\mu)(x-\mu) = 1/2 + f(\mu)(x-\mu).$$
Thus, with an ever-improving approximation as $n$ grows large,
$$g(F(x))f(x) \approx g\left(1/2 + f(\mu)(x-\mu)\right) f(\mu).$$
That is merely a shift of the location and scale of the Beta distribution. The rescaling by $f(\mu)$ will divide its variance by $f(\mu)^2$ (which had better be nonzero!). Incidentally, the variance of Beta$(n/2+1, n/2+1)$ is very close to $n/4$.
This analysis can be viewed as an application of the Delta Method.
Finally, Beta$(n/2+1, n/2+1)$ is approximately Normal for large $n$. There are many ways to see this; perhaps the simplest is to look at the logarithm of its PDF near $1/2$:
$$\log\left(C(1/2 + x)^{n/2}(1/2-x)^{n/2}\right) = \frac{n}{2}\log\left(1-4x^2\right) + C' = C'-2nx^2 +O(x^4).$$
(The constants $C$ and $C'$ merely normalize the total area to unity.) Through third order in $x,$ then, this is the same as the log of the Normal PDF with variance $1/(4n).$ (This argument is made rigorous by using characteristic or cumulant generating functions instead of the log of the PDF.)
Putting this altogether, we conclude that
The distribution of the sample median has variance approximately $1/(4 n f(\mu)^2)$,
and it is approximately Normal for large $n$,
all provided the PDF $f$ is continuous and nonzero at the median $\mu.$